The data is queried from the Character Infobox and Enemy Infobox on each characters page. Oda NobunagaWP 織田信長WP Oda Nobunaga Class Name Demon Archer 魔人アーチャー Majin Āchā is the Archer-class Servant of Artoria in the Imperial Capital Holy Grail Strange Story Memoirs and Imperial Capital Holy Grail Strange Story of FateKOHA-ACE.
釘宮理恵オフィシャルブログ Powered By Ameba 杉田 中村 中村悠一 杉田智和 声優
Most data is available for Playable Characters but there are some information for NPCs and Enemies.

. Voice Actors VAs also known as Character Voices CVs are people who provide voice talent for characters. This page lists the voice actors for each character. She is the Servant of Kaname Asama in the Imperial Capital Holy Grail Strange Story of Fatetype Redline.
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Taiga Aisaka Louise Francoise Le Blanc De La Valliere Shana Cv 釘宮理恵 Pixiv Toradora Character Art Wonder Woman
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